I think after this freestyle, it’s pretty obvious how Eminem feels about president Donald Trump!


Recorded in Detroit, during one fierce freestyle at the BET Hip Hop Awards, Eminem released a four minute freestyle video called ‘Calm Before The Storm’.


Eminem made sure to touch upon corruption, the NFL, immigration, environmental disasters, corruption and a lot more.


Check out some of these bars:


“But we better give Obama props/ Cause what we’ve got in office now’s/ A kamikaze that’ll probably cause a nuclear holocaust.”


And …


“Plus he gets an enormous reaction/ When he attacks the NFL so we focus on that and/ Instead of talking Puerto Rico or gun reform for Nevada/ All these horrible tragedies and he’s bored or would rather/ Cause a Twitter storm with the Packers.”


Eminem also made sure to reference Donald’s feud with Senator John McCain, Colin Kaepernick, the march in Charlottesville and how could we forget, Donald’s proposed wall on the Mexican border.




And when it came to an end, Eminem made sure to close with a powerful message, “And any fan of mine who’s a supporter of his/ I’m drawing in the sand a line/ You’re either for or against/ And if you can’t decide who you like more and you’re split/ On who you should stand beside/ I’ll do it for you with this.”


*drops mic*


You're going to want to tune into @bet tonight. #HipHopAwards 8pm ET

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Filed under: Donald Trump, Eminem, kissmornings