Lady Gaga has been a steady presence on Twitter in recent days, reacting to the devastation in the wake of the hurricanes and the earthquake in Mexico City, and announcing she’s donating $1 million to relief efforts.

Following the mass shooting in Las Vegas on Sunday, she’s now reaching out to fans in an effort to help them emotionally.

Gaga tweeted, “This is terrorism plain and simple. Terror bares [sic] no race, gender or religion. Democrats & Republicans please unite now #guncontrol.”

“My intention is to connect us all through inner peace,” she continued. “I believe we can calm inflammation in the world by calming each other. #meditation.”

On Instagram, she expanded on the topic, explaining, “My intention is to provide a forum for us all connect to around the world, as a calling for world peace and inner peace. We are one body.”

“If you choose to meditate with me I will explain how meditation is important in my life and how I will be doing I practice it before we get started,” she wrote. “See you then. It will be very helpful to be in a quiet dark space, but anywhere is fine as long as we’re together.”

Gaga also called for gun control.

The attack in Las Vegas Sunday night left at least 58 dead, and more than 500 more injured. The gunman, Stephen Paddock, was found dead in a Mandalay Bay hotel room from which he allegedly fired into the concert crowd below.


Filed under: Gaga, kissmornings, Lady Gaga, las-vegas