
By Angela Gemmill

Anyone with a diagnosis of dementia or Alzheimer’s Disease can still be a productive member of society.

That’s the focus of the ‘Still Here’ campaign by the Alzheimer Society, which wants to dispel myths many Canadians have about those living with the progressive brain disease.

Media Rep for the Sudbury-Manitoulin branch, Jessica Bertuzzi-Gallo, says 747,000 Canadians have dementia or Alzheimer’s Disease, including over 5,000 locally.

Women represent 72% of sufferers…and they’re usually the primary care-giver to someone diagnosed.

January is Alzheimer Awareness month.

Bertuzzi-Gallo says people with a diagnosis of dementia or Alzheimer’s Disease can still be productive and active members of the community.

In fact the agency has several who volunteer at their Sudbury-Manitoulin location on Notre Dame Avenue.

Dementia is a progressive brain disease which affects the patients cognitive abilities and remains incurable.

For more information on the disease go to: or watch the video here.