
By Angela Gemmill

Have you noticed the yellow ribbons on parking meters downtown?

How about daffodil pins on jacket lapels?

Both are part of a campaign by the Canadian Cancer Society in Sudbury.

Daffodil Month includes the sale of real daffodils at all Independent Grocer stores around the city, while daffodil lapel pins are available at over 100 locations in Greater Sudbury.

Both are available until the end of the month.

The other initiative is called Paint the Downtown Yellow.

Manager of the Sudbury branch of the Canadian Cancer Society, Cathy Keaney-Burns says donations go towards important cancer research and support programs.

She says one of the local services which gets funding is the transportation program called Wheels of Hope, which provides cancer patients with transportation to and from their medical appointments.

The Paint the Downtown Yellow campaign kicked off this morning on Banker’s Corner at Durham and Cedar Street, downtown.

Various groups and businesses competed against each corner to collect funds for the Canadian Cancer Society.

This colourful campaign also includes yellow ribbons tied to parking meters and trees, decorated storefronts and pictures of daffodils along the sidewalk.

Burns says the daffodil flower is a sign of spring, but it’s also a sign of hope for those fighting cancer.