Florence Strang(left) and Susan Gonzalez pose with their book 100 Perks of Cancer plus 100 Health Tips for Surviving It
Florence Strang(left) and Susan Gonzalez pose with their book 100 Perks of Cancer plus 100 Health Tips for Surviving It


By: Nick Liard

The Northern Cancer Foundation welcomed Florence Strang and Susan Gonzalez to speak at their sold out 18th annual Luncheon of Hope.

Strang and Gonzalez co-wrote the best selling book “100 Perks of Cancer plus 100 Health Tips for Surviving it.”

Gonzalez, a nurse certified in plant-based nutrition and a cancer coach says with the book they tried to put a positive spin on a tough situation.

Strang says they have been receiving some great feedback with the book, although at first they had some negative feedback over the title of the book.

She also was impressed with the work done locally for cancer research.

The Luncheon of Hope raised over 51 thousand dollars bringing the total to date to over 780 thousand dollars which all goes towards breast cancer research and equipment here in Sudbury.

Filed under: 100 Perks of Cancer plus 100 Health Tips for Surviving It, book, Luncheon of Hope, Northeast Cancer Centre, Northern Cancer Foundation, Perks, Tips