
By: Nick Liard

After using Vale’s tailings ponds in Lively for the last 30 years, the city now has it’s own facility for disposing waste that will reduce the impact on the environment.

The Greater Sudbury Biosolids Management Facility is now operational and will run under a public-private partnership with N-Viro.

General Manager of Infrastructure Services Tony Cecutti says during the planning phase they came up with a solution to make a biosolids facility that would produce a Class A product.

Producing Class A biosolids  can be used as fertilizer, and can be sold.

The facility which is a first of it’s kind in Northern Ontario comes with a price tag of 63 million dollars which will be balanced through capital reserves from the city over it’s 20 year operating term, along with 11 million dollars from the federal government.

There will be a grand opening sometime this summer.