
By: Nick Liard

The man who helped shape Science North into what it is today was given an Honourary Life Member award last night.

In a packed Vale Cavern, Rick Bartolucci received congratulations from dignitaries, including video messages from Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne and former Premier Dalton McGuinty.

As an educator, Sudbury City Councillor and as a member of provincial parliament, Bartolucci played a major role in the growth of the science centre, as well as  Dynamic Earth.

They are the 2nd and 8th largest science centres in Canada, respectively.

Bartolucci says this is an honour he will cherish forever because Science North means so much to him and the community.

He says the work was not only a labour of love, it was also about what the facility could do for the community.

He becomes the 48th person to be recognized with the Life Member award,

Science North C-E-O Guy Labine says Bartolucci has been instrumental in many of the development throughout Science Centre, since it started.

The science centre has created the Rick Bartolucci Fund which, will provides children and youth with special needs access to Science North’s brand of learning experiences.

In 2009, Bartolucci helped secure a 100% increase in an annual provincial operating grant for Science North, from $3-million+ to just over $7-million dollars per year.

As Sudbury’s MPP, he was able to secure provincial funding to help create IMAX 3-D, the Planetarium, several traveling exhibits, as well as improvements for attractions at Dynamic Earth.