So Google is using some A-I (Artificial Intelligence) in it’s latest roll out of it’s Gmail Experience and one of the new features is called Smart Compose.  Yup …it can help you write your next e-mail. Full disclosure here, I’m not a high tech person but I do like seeing new things that can make our lives easier so I thought I would share this with you.

The information I read was from a story by Dave Smith on Business Insider.  You start by turning the “new Gmail expererience” by clicking on the settings wheel in the top right corner and going to Try the new Gmail.  Once there you’ll see a different layout with the ability to add background photos and much more. Now go to Settings where you will click on enable experimental access.

Dave Smith Business Insider


Once you are there – you will see the Smart Compose feature on the right hand side of the screen ..make sure you have writing suggestions on.

Dave Smith Business Insider


And then start writing your e-mail.  Initially the program will suggest words but the more you use it …the more it will fill in.  To accept those just click on the Tab button.  This is an early version of the experimental Smart Compose feature so it’s possible that the Google folks will upgrade responses in the future as it gets used more.  How cool is that?




Filed under: AI, emails, Gmail, kissmornings