“Nobody should have to choose between feeding their family and being able to afford menstrual hygiene products….yet far too many individuals – especially those living in poverty – simply can’t afford them,” said a press release from UWCNEO (United Way Centraide North East Ontario).

How can you help support the 5th annual Tampon Tuesday campaign? It’s easy! Next time you’re out shopping, you’re encouraged to grab a few extra feminine hygiene products.
There will be contactless collection drives happening at the following times:
-Tuesday, March 9th at 957 Cambrian Heights Dr, from 11am-5pm.
-Tuesday, March 16th at USW Local 2020 Women of Steel (66 Brady St.), from 9am-5pm.
You can also make a cash donation here:
Or you can hold a collection drive in your place of work throughout the month of March!


Filed under: hygiene, poverty, Sudbury, tampon tuesday, tampons