Here at KiSS 105.3 we decided to put a little something together for the new year.

We wanted you to join us in our More or Less New Year’s Routine.

It isn’t a get fit quick plan and isn’t meant to be, these are just small changes you can easily tackle in 2021 that will have you pushing towards a better year.

If you fail, that is okay, if you triumph we want to hear it.

These are our five small things to live by in the new year.

  • More exercise/water
  • Less junk(alcohol, sugar, fast foods, junk food/snacks)
  • More fruits and veggies
  • Less stress
  • More sleep


During the week

Monday to Friday eat only whole foods and try your best to cook them all.

Try to buy vegetables and fruits locally when possible.

All meals must feature some sort of vegetable, greens are great and peppers are a good source of vitamins, key in preventing sickness.

No eating two hours before bed…if you go to sleep at 10 pm you stop eating at 8 pm…no middle of the night snacks and no late night sugars(baked goods, ice cream).

No pop or energy drinks if you have them(one 355 ml can of Sprite has 38 grams of sugar).

For dinner choose chicken or fish over meats like pork(bacon) and steak as much as possible and try to have one meal per week where there is no meat. Get creative with root vegetables, potatoes, rice or pasta and it isn’t too hard!

No eating out!

No alcohol!

On weekends

Do whatever you want, its free reign baby, let loose.

Really try to limit going ham in all seriousness, have fun though, if you are going to eat out really, really try to make it a local establishment.

Don’t try to make up for lost time, don’t be like “well I ate healthy this week” and then order in for breakfast, lunch and dinner and get desert both Saturday and Sunday.

The less you eat poorly the less you will want it.


In Canada its recommended that adults get 150 minutes of physical activity per week…we are going to get crazy and go way above it by 50 whole minutes – so lets say between 200 and 300 minutes of physical activity per week.

Try to make it as hard as possible, try for more than just a walk but get those 200-300 minutes in by walking, running, hiking, biking, snowshoeing, skiing, swimming, working out or playing a sport.


Try to hit the 6-8 250 ml glass per day recommendation…if you go over then that is awesome

Sub out other drinks for water, it is going to suck but your energy levels and the amount of time spent peeing will go way up.


No hour recommendation because there are so many differences in opinions when it comes to good sleep.

So our recommendation is sleep when you are tired and listen to your body.

Don’t stay up overly late, and if you are going to do it once in a while.

Get to bed at a reasonable time.


All of the above will bring down stress levels but sleep and diet will have the biggest effect.

Get outside, the Winters suck but being outside will distract and perhaps brighten the day.

Less screen time…we can get lost in our phones and computers too much so a small goal is to cut our screen time down by a third, so if you are at three hours per day, cut it down to two.

Less screen time will give you a chance to focus on other and new things, picking up a new hobby, reading, playing a board game for example.

Let us know how it goes!