Man Falls Through Floor Of Home Into 30-Foot Well 

What can make helping a friend move even worse? Falling 30 feet into a well. A man in Connecticut was helping a friend move and fell 30 feet into a well that was underneath the house. When the house was renovated, the well was covered with some weak wood that this man stepped right through and plunged into the cold water below. Luckily, he only suffered minor injuries. 


Man Waxes His Nose After Losing A Bet 

A man lost a bet with his wife and had to wax his nose as punishment. He said the pain was so unimaginable that it felt like his brain was being pulled out through this nostril. He then went on to say that never knew that many hairs existed in one single nostril and now the inside of his nose feels as smooth as a baby’s bottom. Regardless he said it’s still 100% NOT WORTH IT.