My Mask is Better Than Yours. Because it’s made of……
Shankar Kurhade has taken COVID-19 facemasks to a new level. He shelled out around $337,000 bucks for a facemask made of pure gold! He says the metallic mask is surprisingly light-weight with few tiny holes, ensuring he has no difficulty in breathing. But when asked about its efficacy, he said he wasn’t quite sure. Ironically, while ornately etched with artisitc patterns and designs, it’s held in place with the same elastic bands that your mask is. Many point out that the money could have been used to buy thousands of N-95 or even disposable masks for others who can’t afford or get them.? 


Dalai Lama Drops It Like It’s Hot       
The Dalai Lama dropped his very first album of mantras and teachings. “Inner World” kicks off with the track “One Of My Favorite Prayers” and continues with the exiled Tibetan spiritual leader reciting meditations and sayings with accompanying music. The recording came about when musician Junelle Kunin, a student of the Dalai Lama from New Zealand, contacted him in 2015 with the idea – and much to her surprise he said yes. Kunin did the initial recordings at the Dalai Lama’s residence in Dharamsala in India. Once back home, she worked with her husband Abraham and other musicians to produce music for the tracks. She said, “It’s an incredible honor. But it was unbelievably, daunting like the trust and responsibility. It’s immense.” On a promotional video for the album, when asked why he had agreed to take part, the Dalai Lama answers: “The very purpose of my life is to serve as much as I can.”