Beautiful Prom Dress! Where Did You Get It?
When 18-year-old Peyton Manker decided to enter this year’s Stuck at Prom contest this January, she never thought it would turn her into an overnight internet sensation. But she has definitely been getting a lot of attention on social media lately for her one-of-a-kind prom dress which she single-handedly created out of dozens of rolls of duct-tape. The long-running competition challenges high-school graduates to make their own prom attire using as much Duck-brand duct tape as possible, for a chance to win a $10,000 scholarship. Peyton had set out to create her prom dress around a Leonardo Da Vinci theme, but then the Covid-19 pandemic happened and she decided to build her dress around that instead. Both the teen’s prom and her graduation were canceled this year, precisely because of the novel coronavirus pandemic, but that didn’t stop Peyton from spending just under 400 hours of work – 395, to be exact – and 41 rolls of Duck duct tape into her prom dress. Although Duck duct tape will only select one winner or its annual Stuck at Prom competition on July 21, Peyton Manker already considers herself a winner after getting so much positive feedback for her unique prom dress. If she does win the $10,000 scholarship, though, she plans to invest it in her college fund.?(Oddity Central) 


Forgot to get your vehicle sticker this year?? I Bet you can’t beat this guy!
Meanwhile, in Bellefonte, Pennsylvania, police stopped Robert Albro Jr. and charged him driving with a suspended license. Usually this would not be a big news story except that Mr. Albro’s license expired in 1997 – and he already has 8 suspension convictions. In fact, his driver’s license is suspended until 2076 – or for the next 56 years! Albro waived a preliminary hearing on the latest charges.?