National Geographic Kids: Weird But True Canada: 300 Outrageous Facts About the True North includes tons of fun facts about the outrageous oddities and charisma of the Land of Plenty!
Calling all Canadians and Canada-philes: Get ready to be amazed and delighted by wacky facts, stats, tidbits, and trivia, eh?

  • Did you know that the Royal Mint once created a coin weighing more than 90 kg and valued at over $1 million dollars?
  • Or that Canada was the first country to build a UFO landing pad?
  • Maybe you’d be amazed to discover that Montreal is the second largest French-speaking city in the world?

It’s all weird–and it’s all true…Canada style! In this latest and greatest edition of National Geographic’s Weird But True series, you’ll read all about the wacky wilds, bizarre bites, and strange scenes of Canada!

KiSS Mornings with Shannon & Gary interviewed Paige Towler, an associate editor with National Geographic Kids Books. She told us some of her favourite facts in the book

Buy the book National Geographic Kids: Weird But True Canada: 300 Outrageous Facts About the True North here! Or here


Filed under: book, Canada, canadian, facts, interview, kissmornings, National Geographic, National Geographic Kids, National Geographic Kids: Weird But True Canada: 300 Outrageous Facts About the True North, Sudbury, trivia