Pam Pancel is missing her garbage can.  So who cares, right?  She does because this particular waste receptacle has a very special meaning to her. Pancel received it from her brother 15-years ago and it’s Pink.

Earlier Friday morning I received this e-mail from Pam explaning why this is so IMPORTANT for her to get it back.

Hey Gary.  You were the first person I thought of to help me out, as you’ve been involved in the CIBC Run for the Cure as our announcer extraordinaire since I can remember.  Attached is a photo of my Pink garbage can.  my brother Pete had manufactured just for me, to quietly thank his sister.  The larger one I auctioned off as a breast cancer fund raiser and the smaller one is the one I use for household use. I was the co-captain of the MACH Team  alongside Co-Captain Myra Gerow, who has since passed away from Breast Cancer.   All I want for Christmas is it’s return. I thank you in advance and Merry Christmas.

Shannon and Gary spoke with Pam about the garbage can and why it’s SO IMPORTANT to get it back.


Filed under: Cancer, CIBC Run for the cure, garbage can, kissmornings, localnews, Pink