There’s nothing more nerve-wracking than writing an admissions letter to get into the college of your dreams. Choosing a compelling topic can be difficult, but not for this teenager. Carolina Williams knew exactly what she wanted to write about when applying to Yale University….Papa John’s Pizza! And guess what? She got accepted!

(Image Credit: Imgur by WaytoomanyPosts)
(Image Credit: Imgur by WaytoomanyPosts)

The Yale Admissions Office asked the question: “Write about something that you love to do in 200 words or more”

Here is Carolina Williams epic admissions essay:
“The sound of my doorbell starts off high, then the pitch mellows out, and the whole effect mimics an instrumental interpretation of rain finally finding a steady pace at which to fall. I have spent several minutes analyzing its tone because I have had many opportunities to do so, as one thing I love to do is order pizza and have it delivered to my house. When the delivery person rings my doorbell, I instantly morph into one of Pavlov’s dogs, salivating to the sound that signals the arrival of the cheesy, circular glory. It smells like celebration, as I love to rejoice a happy occasion by calling Papa John’s for my favourite food. It tastes like comfort, since having pizza delivered to my quiet home is a way for me to unwind. It looks like self-sufficiency, because when I was young, ordering pizza made me feel grown-up, and it still provides that satisfaction for my child at heart. Accepting those warm cardboard boxes is second nature to me, but I will always love ordering pizza because of the way eight slices of something so ordinary are able to evoke feelings of independence, consolation, and joy.” 

Carolina says she got a response back almost immediately! Read the Admissions Officer’s reaction below.

(Image Credit: Imgur by WaytoomanyPosts)


(Image Credit: Imgur by WaytoomanyPosts)
(Image Credit: Imgur by WaytoomanyPosts)


(Image Credit: Imgur by WaytoomanyPosts)
(Image Credit: Imgur by WaytoomanyPosts)
Filed under: funny, kissmornings, Papa John's Pizza, viral