Kesha tattooed a motivational phrase … right across eight of her fingers.


The tattoo was created by artist Derrick Snodgrass of Oblivious Surroundings and it reads, ‘Live Free’ and according to Kesha, the tattoo is very special to her.


The tattoo phrase came from her ongoing legal battle with Dr. Luke and supporters using the hashtag #FreeKesha to show their support.


She captioned of her posts as, “My mom is going to be soooo mad when she sees these … but maybe not. maaaaaybe she will understand.”


Kesha’s new album Rainbow debuted on the Billboard 200 at No.1 and she’s also topped the artist 100.


In addition to her new tattoo, she also has a spaceship, a narwhal and a tiger.

Filed under: Kesha, kissmornings