Meet Milt Strong, a 69-year-old man from Dallas who’s become a neighborhood celebrity for taking his pet chickens out for daily walks. KXAS reports that Milt puts his birds in a crimson stroller each morning and takes them .


“About three years ago I noticed people walking their dogs, small dogs in strollers. I started seeing a whole lot of goldendoodles, those expensive dogs. And I thought, ‘I’ve got a cock-a-doodle,'” he explains. “So I started pushing my little chicken.”

The whole thing started out as a joke, but became motivation for Strong to maintain a dedicated exercise routine.
“Some people kind of look and look away, like they didn’t see it and they don’t want me to know they saw something,”
he notes. “I get all kinds of reactions, but generally everybody smiles and that’s what I like.”

Filed under: chicken, cute, viral