Council Gears Up For Special Optimization Plan Meeting Tomorrow
by nick.liard on April 25, 2017, 05:04pm. EST
By: Nick Liard
Beaver Lake and eight other fire stations that are recommended for closure will be discussed at a special council meeting this afternoon(WED).
Council will review the proposed Fire and Emergency Services Optimization Plan which will look at better serving the city’s population, changes to area rating taxation, hiring more full-time firefighters and more.
Nine stations are recommended for closure, including Beaver Lake, but residents have threatened to sue if the city goes through with the closure.
Sudbury Fire Services have told us Beaver Lake had 13 dispatches in it’s area in 2016, nine of which they were the initial responder for, so they would be better served with one station in Whitefish.
A statement by Mayor Brian Bigger says none of the staff recommendations if approved by council would produce immediate changes.