Why is dad Stephen Crowley photoshopping pictures of his daughter to make it look like she is in dangerous situations? He explains that Hannah was born with a congential condition called hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis and there are many risks associated with it that forced Hannah to spend the first 6 months of her life in isolation, hidden from the adventures of the world that most children get to experience.

In an effort to make up for lost time, Crowley and his wife decided to extinguish their extended family’s worries by editing the photos for a good laugh.

“Considering how much she had been through in her first year and how delicate she was, I thought it would be funny to ‘worry’ friends and family with the image of her on the fence near the lake. It got some great reactions, some who thought it was real and weren’t too happy, so I decided to make more.”

“She has come out of this such a happy and resilient kid, proving laughter really is the best medicine — next to high doses of chemotherapy.”







Filed under: family