Gaetanne Gauthier is pleading with Sudbury residents to help save her father’s life. Gary Villeneuve is in desperate need of a liver transplant after he was diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver due to medication he was taking for his rheumatoid arthritis.
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Right now, Gary is staying in a Toronto hospital awaiting an organ donation.

His daughter, Gaetanne told KiSS:
“My father made the transplant list and is now waiting for donor…. He also has kidney failure and needs to be on dialysis however his body is rejecting the dialysis and now they have to try something different. If dialysis cant be done he only has weeks to live. My mom is out there fighting to keep him alive… We really need help please help us..”

Because the family are on CPP disability, receiving only “a little bit of money per month”. So, they are seeking financial assistance through a GoFundMe crowd-funding page. “We need the funds to help my mom stay with him. She is fighting hard for him and so are all his family and friends.” says Gauthier on the GoFundMe page. “So if you can spare a few dollars we will be greatly appreciative. Thank you all from the bottom of our hearts and please help me pray for great success as dad is struggling with this disease. He needs this transplant to survive.”
But that’s not the only way you can help, as the family is encouraging you to consider a live organ donation. If you are interested in becoming a live donor and donating part of your liver, you must have the blood type 0 and refister through the University Health Network’s transplant program. Sign up here



Filed under: local news, organ donation, Sudbury