"Love Actually" Sequel, Hugh Jackman Skin Cancer & Lena Dunham Defends Taylor Swift.
by shannon.king on February 16, 2017, 05:02am. EST
Love Actually fans have long pined for a sequel to find out how the film’s dizzyingly large cast of characters turned out. Now they’ll get their wish–sort of. On Wednesday, the 2003 film’s creator, Richard Curtis, announced a 10-minute “sequel” that will air on NBC on May 25, which is Red Nose Day in the U.S. The short film will reunite most of the original cast, including Hugh Grant, Keira Knightley, Colin Firth, Liam Neeson, and Bill Nighy. (Emma Thompson is not expected to participate.) “I thought it might be fun to do 10 minutes to see what everyone is now up to,” Curtis tells The Guardian. “Who has aged best? I guess that’s the big question—or is it so obviously Liam?”
Adam Levine was on Ellen gushing about his and wife Behati Prinsloo’s daughter Dusty Rose. “She’s unbelievable,” he gushed. “I’m so in love with her. It’s crazy.” Meanwhile, host Ellen DeGeneres joked, “Who would think that you and a supermodel would make a gorgeous baby?” Levine also reflected on what it was like for him to receive a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame last Friday. “That’s such a big thing that I didn’t even dream of that one,” he admitted. “It’s so far from the realm of what is possible in my mind. Super crazy, can’t believe it’s actually there, it’s bad**.”
Actor Hugh Jackman has been treated for skin cancer for the fifth time. Us Weekly reports the actor took to Instagram on Monday and shared a photo of himself with a bandage over his nose. “Another basal cell carcinoma,” he wrote underneath the snap. “Thanks to frequent body checks and amazing doctors; all is well. Looks worse with the dressing on than off. I swear! #wearsunscreen.” Jackman has been open about his skin cancer battles over the years, including a 2013 skin cancer scare.
Lena Dunham, who was outspoken about her beliefs during the 2016 presidential election, is defending Taylor Swift’s decision to stay silent about politics. “I just think everyone has to do it their way,” she tells Rolling Stone. “When you talk about politics, people straight up tweet you the floor plan of your house and say they’re coming to your house. You have to f**king watch it because people are nuts.” The 30-year-old Girls creator goes on to praise Swift’s ability to deal with fame and the scrutiny that comes with it. “She’s been in the public eye since she was 15. I felt young when my career started and I was 23, 24. When I met her, she was newly 22, and she was a f**king seasoned pro at this stuff,” Dunham recalls. “Watching the way that she understands the vicissitudes of the cycle, and she just keeps making her work–that’s just really impressive to me.”
Kesha’s long-running court battle with Dr. Luke has taken another ugly turn. Page Six has obtained emails between the musician and producer in which he criticizes her weight and thoughts about lyrics. In one email, Luke writes, “A list songwriters and producers are reluctant to give Kesha their songs because of her weight,” while another message finds him criticizing her for breaking a juice fast by drinking Diet Coke and eating turkey. Dr. Luke also reportedly told Kesha, “I don’t give a s**t what you want. If you were smart, you would go in and sing it,” after she objected to the lyric “You see us in the club sip sippin bub” in her song “We R Who We R.” The emails come on the heels of court papers filed this week, in which Kesha’s lawyer writes that the musician wants to “be free from her abuser and rebuild her physical, emotional and mental health.”