Nickel Belt MPP France Gelinas and Ontario NDP Leader Andrea Horwath chat with local resident Maryse Gareau about hydro rates
Nickel Belt MPP France Gelinas and Ontario NDP Leader Andrea Horwath chat with local resident Maryse Gareau about hydro rates


By: Nick Liard

Ontario’s NDP leader Andrea Horwath sat down with Sudbury resident Maryse Gareau to talk about how electricity rates are affecting her family.

Gareau has a husband and two children and says their first bill in 2014 when they bought their house was 214 dollars, in September it was 354 dollars, and they went to camp all summer.

She says it has caused her family stress and believes she is one of many people in Ontario having similar feelings.

Gareau says she hates having to open up the bill every two months because she knows it isn’t going to be good.

Gareau has said they have put off renovations to their home because of it.

Horwath says affordable hydro is essential to Ontario especially in the Winter months when the days are cold and short.

The NDP has called on the government to permanently remove HST from hydro bills and to stop the sell off of Hydro One.

Filed under: family, hydro, Hydro One, hydro rates, local news, NDP, Ontario, Sudbury family