A cafe owner in Adelaide, Australia has come up with a “Super Coffee” that is certainly NOT for everyone.

Viscous Coffee owner Steve Bennington sells a coffee that is so potent, he actually takes time to talk to patrons before they buy it.  A typical cup of espresso has about 60 mg of caffeine in it.  A standard filtered coffee contains 150 mg while the Super Coffee has 5-thousand mg of cafeeine or about 80-times more than your normal java fix in the morning.

It’s called the “Asskicker” and it comes with a health warning for folks that might have heart issues or high blood pressure.

Bennington says because it’s so powerful …he tells people to drink it slowly over a period of about four hours and it will provide you with 12 to 18 hours of sustained up time.

The special brew came about after an E-R nurse asked him for a pick me upper that would not let her down after she received an unexpected night shift.  It worked so well that she drank it over two days and it kept her awake for 3 days.  Since then the mixture has been toned down.  Bennington says the complex concoction is made with four espresso shots, four 48-hour brewed cold drip ice cubes, 120ml of 10-day brewed cold drip and is finished with four more 48-hour brewed cold drip ice cubes. Each cold drip ice cube is approximately equivalent of a bit more than two shots of espresso in caffeine.






Filed under: Asskicker, awake, caffeine, coffee