
By: Nick Liard

The public got a chance to have their say on the proposed Maley Drive extension, perhaps for the last time as Mayor Brian Bigger believes construction on the project could begin very shortly.

At a public input session last night, staff presented details of phase one of the project which will extend Lasalle Blvd. to Barry Downe Road at a cost of 80.1 million dollars.

Bigger says they were able to hear from both sides of the argument.

Comments supporting the project brought up traffic relief and moving the city forward, while those against, balked at the high cost and the environmental impact.

The 80.1 million dollar price tag is split between three levels of government and Bigger says with the federal government approval they could begin construction this year.

Bigger says all three levels of government who are splitting the project cost say that price is accurate despite some saying it could come in much higher.