cambrian college

By: Nick Liard

Cambrian College held a ceremony and feast today honouring the missing and murdered aboriginal women.

The ceremony sent thoughts and prayers to the families who are looking for closure.

Martina Osawamick is refereed to as the “grandmother.”

Osawamick says her sister was murdered and these cermonies help the whole process.

Cultural Facilitator at Cambrian College, Kelly Senecal says the only way to truly heal is as one nation.

Annual memorial marches were held across the country over the weekend to remember and also raise awareness for prevention of violence towards all women.

An R-C-M-P report in 2014 put the tally at just under 12-hundred murdered and missing women and girls between 1980 and 2012.

Ottawa is preparing to launch a public inquiry, hopefully this summer too look into those missing and murdered women.