From left to right: Ontario Prospectors Association Exec. Director, Garry Clark, Goodman School of Mines Bruce Jago, Minister of Northern Development and Mines, Michael Gravelle, Sudbury MPP, Glenn Thibeault, President of the Ontario Mining Association Chris Hodgson
From left to right: Ontario Prospectors Association Exec. Director, Garry Clark, Goodman School of Mines Bruce Jago, Minister of Northern Development and Mines, Michael Gravelle, Sudbury MPP, Glenn Thibeault, President of the Ontario Mining Association Chris Hodgson


By: Nick Liard

The province is renewing it’s Mineral Development Strategy with a 10-year vision to position Ontario as the global leader in mineral development.

That was the announcement made here in Sudbury earlier today as the strategy is a result of engagements with prospectors, junior exploration companies, first nations and environmental organizations.

Minister of Northern Development and Mines, Michael Gravelle says they have four strategic priorities, innovation, safety, efficiency, along with growth and prosperity for future generations.

At the strategy announcement today, Sudbury was called the anchor of it all, but Sudbury M-P-P Glenn Thibeault says this will benefit the entire province.

Gravelle also announced the Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation is investing 5 million dollars in a Junior Exploration Assistance Program in support of the Mineral Development Strategy.

Executive Director of the Ontario Prospectors Association Garry Clark says this will allow more mining companies to spend in the province while getting money back, while at the same time it shows the province is open to those mining companies.