Nicole Beaulieu of the Sudbury Workers Education and Advocacy Centre launches the Living Wage Campaign. Photo by Nick Liard
Nicole Beaulieu of the Sudbury Workers Education and Advocacy Centre launches the Living Wage Campaign. Photo by Nick Liard

By: Nick Liard

A family of four, with two adults and two children must make 66 thousand dollars per year to afford the basics and participate in the community here in Sudbury.

That’s according to the Sudbury Workers Education and Advocacy Centre, who launched the Living Wage Campaign today with a goal to get employers in Sudbury to adopted the living wage initiative.

 Executive Director Nicole Beaulieu says she hopes to start the conversation and show off the benefits to becoming a living wage employeer.

Donna Nilson spoke at the launch today and says she has witnessed both sides of the spectrum, but now going between part time jobs she can’t get out and experience the community anymore.

One of two local groups recognized as a living wage employer is the Social Planning Council of Sudbury and Executive Director Joseph LeBlanc says there was a better motivation, less sick days and better quality of work with the employees.

The living wage campaign study says each adult must earn 16 dollars and 18 cents an hour, in full time work, and today two certificates were given to local living wage employers.