There’s a NEW CBS series that premiered on TV last night & it’s called “Supergirl” Here is the official trailer for the highly anticipated show:

The 1st pilot episode apparently addresses the obvious question of why the show isn’t called “Superwoman” – – it’s intentional. Lead acctress Melissa Benoist is best known for her role on Glee & Whiplash.
“I always keep in mind her bravery, hope and positivity and strength and I think it will be hard for girls to not look up to that,” said Benoist.
The creator & writer of DC’s Supergirl comic book – – Sterling Gates, says, “”By putting on that uniform, Kara decides to live up to the legacies and responsibilities that come with it”.

Amy Schumer’s crusade in ending gun violence began in August, when the actress teamed up with her cousin Sen. Charles Schumer just days after a gunman fatally shot two women in a Louisiana theater. The movie playing at the time was  “Trainwreck,” starring Amy Schumer. “On Thursday, July 23rd, a man sat down for my movie, ‘Trainwreck.’ I don’t know why he picked my movie,” she says “It is something I live with every day.”
She & her cousin are urging lawmakers to support a proposed gun control bill sponsored by the New York Democrat. This motion would close the “loophole” that allows weapons to be sold without background checks at both gun shows and online the web. Her cousin & senator said in NYC, 85% of guns used in crimes comes from out of state. Because Amy has such a MASSIVE following on her social media pages, she is urging Americans to force a vote early next year by calling, writing, tweeting or posting on Facebook about their desire to stop gun violence.

Ed Sheeran is a HUGE sweetheart & this latest development about the English singer-songwriter makes him THAT much more adorable. Sheeran says his HUGE hit “Thinking Out Loud” was co-written by a close friend who was struggling to play her mortgage. He explains how Amy Wadge “was going through financial troubles about a year ago … She drove to my house – my album was nearly done – and she asked if I could put a song from when I was 17 on the deluxe album,” Sheeran explains that “while she was there, we wrote Thinking Out Loud … Now she never has to worry about money again.” She definietly does NOT need to worry about money anymore – – the smash hit “Thinking Out Loud” has been streamed more than half a billion times on Spotify. Instead of simply giving her a wad of cash to help her, Ed chose to give her a spot on the album and now…”she’s got a family and two kids and stuff and every time I speak to her, she’s going on holiday. It’s really nice to see. It wouldn’t have happened if she hadn’t come down from Wales to see me.”

SHANNON STEPS INSIDE A SPOOKY NIGHTMARE…aka Dynamic Earth’s Tunnel of Terror