Puck Hogs
From right to left: Sean Barrette(Puck Hogs) Leanne Lavoie(Human League), Chris Leblanc(Puck Hogs/Fisher Wavy)


By: Nick Liard

For the Puck Hogs, being able to donate two thousand dollars to a local charity is better than winning the CBC song quest contest.

The band finished second in the national contest to find the next theme for Hockey Night in Canada, but they then used the popularity of the song to raise money to donate back to the local Human League Association, which provides funds to allow children to take part in sports.

Band members include Sean Barrette, Chris Leblanc and Brent Wohlberg.

The song was for sale for one dollar per download and every sent was to go to the Human League.

The Puck Hogs raised just over one thousand and Leblanc’s employer, Fisher Wavy stepped in and matched the donation, putting the total amount at just over two thousand dollars.

Leanne Lavoie says the money will go straight to helping local kids get into all different kinds of sports.

Band member Sean Barrette says they chose the Human League because the funds stay local.

The Human League Association received 600 requests last year and were able to help 425 get into sports.

Lavoie says this money could help eight children play hockey for the year.