
By Nick Liard

Seniors issues were addressed during the Canadian Association of Retired Persons (CARP) Sudbury All Candidates’ Debate yesterday.

The debate touched on taxes, pension plans, housing, creating jobs for seniors.

During audience questions, focus was on housing, health and transportation and even assisted suicide.

Sudbury Green Party Candidate David Robinson says a better job needs to be done to keep seniors in Sudbury.

New Democrat Paul Loewenberg feels government needs to start investing in seniors.

The focus was on older adults and seniors, who make up a large portion of the city’s population.

Conservative candidate Fred Slade says it’s about getting seniors involved in the conversation.

Liberal candidate Paul Lefebvre says there are some major issues which cut deep for seniors in Sudbury, like poverty, home care and housing. 

Voters across Sudbury will choose our new M-P Monday, when the entire country votes in the federal election.