Jay Leno takes a stab at Jimmy Kimmel. Leno tells sources that Jimmy Kimmel would not have done well on The Late Show because his style of comedy is “mean-spirited”. Leno says,  “the [best] element you can have in doing a late night show is kindness. Because the show makes you arrogant,” Leno explained. “I think that’s Jimmy Kimmel’s problem. I think he’s a talented guy, I think he’s funny. But he has a mean streak, and it comes across.” He went on to say he thinks Stephen Colbert will be “really good” on The Late Show, when he takes over David Letterman’s desk on September 8th – adding,  “He’s really clever,” he continued. “I don’t know him well… But he’s a truly nice guy and decent human being.” 65-year-old Leno says he isn’t into the type of humor Jimmy Kimmel has saying – –  -“I think he’s a talented guy, I think he’s funny. But he has a mean streak, and it comes across. He does this thing where he takes Halloween candy from kids and the kids cry. What am I missing here? It is funny I guess, but it’s mean-based. I think that’s why he’s not higher in the ratings.”

Does Taylor Swift have baby fever? One inside source says, she wants to have kids with boyfriend Calvin Harris by the time she is 30 (she’s 26-years-old). Apparently, the celebrity couple talk about it all the time and even have a nursery planned out. Sources say the duo are always joking about weird Hollywood baby names and how their kids will be very tall – like them. But sources add, T-Swift is a “traditional gal” who wants to wait for marriage before having a baby. Time to put a ring on it, Calvin!

The classic 90’s NBC sitcom “The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air” will be rebooted into a present-day show. Will Smith, who wrote the show’s popular theme song with Quincy Jones will not be acting in the reboot, but producing alongside wife Jada Pinkett-Smith.  The project is in the early stages of development with no release date as of yet.