
By Angela Gemmill

Programming from the Sudbury Canoe Club and the Sudbury Rowing Club is compromised by flooding from Ramsey Lake.

The boat lot and boathouse on Elizabeth Street is flooded.

That means some athletes can’t access the docks.

That’s a frustration Thomas Merritt, Chair of the Northern Water Sports Centre, has since they haven’t yet moved to the new site, still under construction.

Merritt runs the adaptive sport program for both clubs and says flooding creates obstacles for athletes in wheelchairs.

Construction at the new centre is expected to be completed later this summer, but Merritt says current programming will operate from the Elizabeth Street site.

He says the city has always been supportive of the programming, so he’s disappointed nothing is being done to fix the flooding situation.

Since the city isn’t working to help reduce the flooding, Merritt feels that’s a breach of the agreement it made to help support the clubs’ programming.

(Pictures courtesy of Thomas Merrit Twitter feed.)
