
By Angela Gemmill

Although Health Sciences North notified its workers’ unions late last year it would be issuing layoff notices this spring, it actually hopes no one will lose their job.

Chief Operating Officer, Joe Pilon, says H-S-N hopes to manage the staff reductions through attrition, retirements and vacancies.

All departments were asked to find efficiencies to help achieve the balanced budget plan despite a three percent inflation rate or 13.5 million dollars.

All provincially funded health facilities are required by legislation to have a balanced budget.

That figure has been frozen at the same number for the past few years at H-S-N.

Pilon says it was a challenge to find the savings, but it helps the hospital and its staff to practice stewardship and find waste.

H-S-N plans to pass its $427.4-million budget April 1st.

The are 30 registered nurse vacancies and another 14 registered practical nurse vacancies that can be filled.

The budget cuts are expected to impact 25.7 full-time-equivalent workers with the Ontario Nurses Association.

Pilon says there could be some workers out the door if they choose not to take a vacant position.

This means HSN won’t know the true impact the budget will have on its staffing levels until all collective bargaining rights are exercised under agreements.

Despite the efficiency measures and lean philosophy at HSN, Pilon reiterates patient care won’t suffer.