whatstrending41We all knew about Angelina Jolie’s double mastectomy two years ago, She now says she’s had her fallopian tubes and ovaries removed in an attempt to prevent cancer. In a New York Times op-ed today, Jolie writes that she’d always planned on doing it, but some recent test results led to her moving up the timeline. She says a blood test showed a mutation in the BRCA1 gene, which gave her an 87 percent risk of breast cancer and a 50 percent risk of ovarian cancer. So she had the procedure done last week. She feels at ease now with a decision she says was right for her. (BBC)


More than a year after Paul Walker’s death in a car wreck, the actor’s close friend Michelle Rodriguez has opened up about the trouble she had coping with the loss. “I actually went on a bit of a binge,” Rodriguez told Entertainment Weekly. “I went pretty crazy. A lot of the stuff I did last year I would never do had I been in my right mind.” Her Co-star Vin Diesel paid tribute to his long time friend with the birth of his daughter, Pauline who was named in his honour.

Mila Kunis finally admitted that she is married to Ashton Kutcher. She was on the premier of James Corden’s Late Late Show” When asked if she was married her response Maybe,” He kept bugging her and eventually demanded to see her hand. Kunis then laughed and flashed her wedding ring as the crowd bust into applause.

Yesterday was national puppy day, Bruisey and I celebrated with a walk and extra cuddles. Some NHLers were into it too. Toronto Maple Leafs forward Peter Holland:

Giving in to all these #NationalDogDay posts cause this guy deserves to be recognized

A photo posted by Peter Holland (@peterholland13) on

Ottawa Senators forward Clarke MacArthur

8 great years with this hound, hopefully 8 more #apollo

A photo posted by Clarke (@cmacarthur16) on